Symphonic Mob @ OdeGand

Make music together with Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen at OdeGand.

Have you always dreamed of playing with a large symphony orchestra? Are you passionate about music and would you like to share it with the world? Would you like to make music together with professional musicians, in the heart of lively Ghent?

Then Symphonic Mob© is made for you! 

During Odegand, Ghent Festival and Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen invite all amateur musicians from Ghent and far beyond to the first Symphonic Mob© in Belgium.

Saturday 21 September is your chance to be part of our country's biggest spontaneous orchestra!


Practical information

Date: Saturday 21 September 2024
Location: Under the City Hall in Ghent

Time table

14:00 - 14:30: Reception of participants
15:00 - 16:00: Rehearsal
16:45 - 17:30: Symphonic Mob© @ OdeGand


You can download the scores here.

Participation is completely free.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced musician, whether you are a string player, wind player, or percussionist, you are most welcome.

The scores are available in both original and simplified versions, so there is no need to worry about your level of playing. It's all about having fun playing music together. Please note: You practice the pieces independently so that you are well prepared for the Symphonic Mob.

Symphonic Mob @ OdeGand is fully booked

The Symphonic Mob is completely full. Thank you for your enthusiasm!
To make the experience as enjoyable as possible for participants, we are forced to close registrations. 

However, you can still register on the waiting list. Fill in this form to sign up. If a spot opens up we will let you know.

Still have questions? Send an email to and we will be happy to help you.


FAQ Symphonic Mob

Why do I need to register in advance?

All participants will receive an e-mail in advance with the most important practical information.
In addition, registrations ensure that the organisation knows how many musicians and which instruments to expect. All participants will also receive a t-shirt of the project, so we can order the right sizes.

How long does Symphonic Mob last and when should I be there?

All participants will be expected on 21 September 2024 between 2pm and 2.30pm at the registration point near the City Hall where you can leave your belongings. You will also receive your t-shirt here. After signing in, we will walk together to the City Hall.

From 3pm to 4pm, there will be a joint rehearsal under the City Hall.

The show moment will start punctually at 4.45pm and end at 5.30pm.

The location of the gathering point will be communicated later.

What should I bring?
  • Your instrument
  • Your scores (you can find them here)
  • A pupiter with your name on it
  • Some clothes pegs (so your scores don't blow away)
  • A drinking bottle. We provide water taps where you can fill up your water bottle.
Do I have to pay to participate in Symphonic Mob?

No, participating is completely free! However, registration is mandatory. And you get a free Symphonic Mob t-shirt.


Is there an age limit to participate?

No, everyone is welcome!

I don't play a typical orchestral instrument. Can I still participate?

Instruments of symphonic and Harmony orchestras may participate. Non-Western instruments such as the qanun, bağlama, ud... can participate.

Other instruments (guitar, piano, accordion, vocals) unfortunately cannot participate. You are of course welcome to come and listen!

I haven't played my instrument for long, can I still play along?

Yes. There are simplified versions of the scores so that musicians of all levels can participate.

What if it's raining?

Even if it rains, Symphonic Mob will take place. The City Hall is covered.

I am restricted in my movement. Can I also participate?

Absolutely, the City Hall is wheelchair accessible.
Be sure to contact so we can support you appropriately.

How do I reach City Hall?

The address of the City Hall is Poeljemarkt, 9000 Ghent. 

There are public bicycle parking facilities under the City Hall and under St Michael's Bridge.

The City Hall can be reached by public transport:

  • Tram stop Gent Korenmarkt, a 3-minute walk away.
  • Bus stop Gent Sint-Jacobs, 4 minutes' walk away.
I don't play an instrument, can I just come and listen?

Of course, Symphonic Mob© is open to the public and free of charge. Listeners and supporters are most welcome!

Symphonic Mob© is also part of OdeGand, a vibrant city festival with lots of concerts and activities during the day and in the evening. You can find all the info on this website:

I play cello, will there be chairs available?

Yes, we provide chairs for cellists. Additional chairs will also be available for participants who like to play seated.

Will large instruments such as double bass, harp and percussion be provided by the organisation?

Double basses and harps should be brought your own.
Additional percussion will be provided by the organisation: 2 bass drums, some snare drums, triangles, tambourines, etc. Of course, you may also bring your own percussion instrument.

Where can I leave my instrument case and other personal belongings?

You can safely leave your belongings at the sign-in point during Symphonic Mob.

Are there toilets available?

There are public toilets under the City Hall (next to the bike park) and in the Belfry (entrance to Sint-Baafsplein).

Which part should I play?

Choose the part that suits your instrument, you may choose which voice you play. So violin 1 or violin 2, flute 1 or flute 2; the choice is yours!

How can I prepare musically for Symphonic Mob?

Print your scores. Listen to the sound clips, you can find them here. After that, all that remains is to practise, practise, practise!

Is it possible to play a few pieces and not the full programme?

You can. However, we do ask you to attend the full rehearsal and show time.

Do I have insurance?

As a participant in the Symphonic Mob, you are insured. However, we are not liable for any damage to your instrument. For this, you can take out insurance for your instrument.